Full professor of the Faculty of Civil Engineering UoM Biljana Šćepanović's guest appearance on TV Prva's popular program "60 minutes",https://youtu.be/DRkwdUINbJc?t=526 11 July 2024
Web portal Ecoportal (www.ecoportal.me) published text about the SmartWB project: "SmartWB - critical issues, challenges and solutions to improve the urban development of the countries of the Western Balkans". You can read the full text at the link https://www.ecoportal.me/smartwb-kriticna-pitanja-izazovi-i-rjesenja-u-cilju-unapredenja-urbanog-razvoja-zemalja-zapadnog-balkana/ 3 July 2024
Ecoportal (www.ecoportal.me) published an article about the cluster meeting: "In the era of climate change, cities must be well planned". The coordinators of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building projects in higher education, which are implemented at all universities in Montenegro and are oriented towards the green economy, among them SmartWB, gathered at the event. More on the link:https://www.ecoportal.me/u-eri-klimatskih-promjena-gradovi-moraju-biti-dobro-planirani/ 22 April 2024
The Faculty of the Civil Engineering University of Montenegro web page published a text titled: Faculty of Civil Engineering hosted the cluster meeting "Green transition in the Montenegrin higher education system". https://www.ucg.ac.me/objava/blog/1287/objava/179046-na-gradevinskom-fakultetu-odrzan-cluster-sastanak-zelena-tranzicija-u-crnogorskom-sistemu-visokog-obrazovanja 17 April 2024
The Faculty of the Civil Engineering University of Montenegro's web page announced the arrival of the timely newsletter No. 2 on https://www.ucg.ac.me/skladiste/blog_1287/objava_179045/fajlovi/SmartWb%20newsletter%20issue%2002.pdf 17 April 2024. This newsletter is a must-read for the latest updates and news!
The web page of the Faculty of the Civil Engineering University Mostar published a text titled "Erasmus+ SmartWB project: Workshop in Vienna", https://gf.unmo.ba/vijesti/posts/2024/april/erasmus-smartwb-projekat-radionica-u-becu/ 16 April 2024
The Faculty of Civil Engineering University Mostar's web page published a text titled "New practical skills for teaching staff - Online presentation of SmartWB and EduGame projects": https://www.unmo.ba/novosti/posts/2024/april/nove-prakticne-vjestine-za-nastavno-osoblje-online-prezentacija-projekata-smartwb-i-edugame/ 9 April 2024
The Faculty of the Civil Engineering University of Montenegro's web page published a text titled "Training in Vienna within the SmartWB project", https://www.ucg.ac.me/objava/blog/1287/objava/178446-trening-u-becu-u-sklopu-projekta-smartwb 6 April 2024
The Faculty of the Civil Engineering University of Montenegro's web page published a text titled "SmartWB project: Training of teaching staff in Hoekster" https://www.ucg.ac.me/objava/blog/1287/objava/178102-smartwb-projekat-trening-nastavnog-osoblja-u-hoeksteru 29 March 2024
Ecoportal (www.ecoportal.me), the internet portal about clean energy and energy transition in Montenegro, has published a text about the Erasmus + project SmartWB: "SmartWB – a project to innovate teaching in the field of construction and urban development at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Montenegro" https://www.ecoportal.me/smartwb-projekat-za-inoviranje-nastave-u-oblasti-gradnje-i-urbanog-razvoja-na-gradevinskom-fakultetu-ucg/ 27 March 2024
The NGO Ozon's web page published a text titled "Dr Nikola Perović participated in the training within the SmartWB project in Madrid" http://www.ozon.org.me/dr-nikola-perovic-ucestvovao-na-obuci-u-okviru-smartwb-projekta-u-madridu/ 19 December 2023
The University of Zagreb's web page published a text titled "Training and 2nd meeting of SC and PMC Erasmus+ CBHE SmartWB project" https://www.geof.unizg.hr/novosti/trening-i-2-sastanak-sc-i-pmc-erasmus-cbhe-smartwb-projekta/ 19 December 2023
Western Balkans Info Hub published "First Newsletter Of The Smartwb Project (Curricula Innovation In Climate-Smart Urban Development Based On Green And Energy Efficiency With The Non-Academic Sector)". https://wbc-rti.info/object/document/24689.html 18 December 2023
The Faculty of Civil Engineering University Mostar's web page published a text titled "Training and meeting as part of the Erasmus+ CBHE SmartWB project" https://gf.unmo.ba/vijesti/posts/2023/december/trening-i-sastanak-u-sklopu-erasmus-cbhe-smartwb-projekta/ 18 December 2023
The Faculty of the Civil Engineering University of Montenegro's web page published a text titled "SmartWB Project: Workshop in Madrid" https://www.ucg.ac.me/objava/blog/1287/objava/173232-span-class-cyrlatignore-smartwb-span-projekat-radionica-u-madridu 15 December 2023
The Faculty of Civil Engineering University Mostar's web page published a text titled "On-line workshop as part of the Erasmus+ CBHE SmartWB project" https://gf.unmo.ba/vijesti/posts/2023/december/on-line-radionica-u-sklopu-projekta-erasmus-cbhe-smartwb/ 15 December 2023
The University Ren Juan Carlos's web page published a text titled "The University Trains International Teachers in Educational Innovation http://www.urjc.es/todas-las-noticias-de-actualidad/8576-la-universidad-forma-a-docentes-internacionales-en-innovacion-educativa 14 Decembar 2023
The University Ren Juan Carlos's web page published the video "Smart Urban Development from Climate Sustainability Based on Ecological and Energy Efficiency" https://tv.urjc.es/video/65770f85f8ceb79582393562 29 November 2023
The Faculty of the Civil Engineering University of Montenegro's web page published a text titled "An online workshop was held as part of the Erasmus+ SmartWB project" https://www.ucg.ac.me/objava/blog/1287/objava/172491-u-okviru-erasmus-projekta-smartwb-odrzana-je-online-radionica 29 November 2023
The Engineering Chamber of Montenegro published an article about the arrival of the SmartWB newsletter No.1, https://www.ingkomora.me/ikcg_mne/public/index.php/index/artikli?id=4591 23 October 2023
The Faculty of Civil Engineering University Mostar's web page added the SmartWB project to the tab Scientific Research Work, https://gf.unmo.ba/scientific-research-work/international-projects/smartwb/ 23 October 2023
The Faculty of Civil Engineering University Mostar's web page published a news item titled "Memorandum of Cooperation SmartWB." With the aim of joint project implementation and the exchange of information and experiences that can be of mutual benefit, the company "Tvornica štampanih ploča" has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University "Džemal Bijedić" in Mostar. https://gf.unmo.ba/vijesti/posts/2023/october/sporazum-o-saradnji-smartwb/ 24 October 2023
The Faculty of Civil Engineering University Mostar's web page published a news item titled "Presentation on acquired knowledge as part of the CBHE SmartWB project", https://gf.unmo.ba/vijesti/posts/2023/november/prezentacija-o-stecenim-znanjima-u-sklopu-cbhe-smartwb-projekta/ 10 November 2023
The Faculty of Civil Engineering University Mostar's web page published a "Memorandum of Cooperation" news item. The Water Company has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University "Džemal Bijedić" in Mostar. https://gf.unmo.ba/vijesti/posts/2023/october/sporazum-o-saradnji/ 12 October 2023
The Faculty of Civil Engineering University Mostar's web page published a text titled "E-newsletter of SmartWB", related to the E-newsletter of SmartWB No. 1 https://gf.unmo.ba/vijesti/posts/2023/september/e-newsletter-of-smartwb/ 20 September 2023
The Faculty of Civil Engineering University Mostar's web page published a text titled "Staff training as part of the Erasmus+ CBHE SmartWB project", related to the training in Norway https://gf.unmo.ba/vijesti/posts/2023/september/trening-osoblja-u-sklopu-erasmus-cbhe-smartwb-projekta/ 10 September 2023
The Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Montenegro's web page published a text titled "Smart WB project: Training for teaching staff in Norway" (https://www.ucg.ac.me/objava.php?blog_id=1287&objava_id=166939 ) on 8 September 2023
Western Balkans Info Hub published "Curricula Innovation in Climate-Smart Urban Development Based on Green and Energy Efficiency with the Non-Academic Sector" https://wbc-rti.info/object/project/24079 4 August 2023
Western Balkans Info Hub published "Event Report: Smartwb Workshop on Climate-Friendly and Innovative Solutions Addresses Current and Future Challenges" https://wbc-rti.info/object/news/24374 7 August 2023
The Faculty of Civil Engineering University Mostar's web page published a "Presentation of the SmartWB project at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology" news item related to the presentation of the project at Wroclaw, https://gf.unmo.ba/vijesti/posts/2023/july/prezentacija-smartwb-projekta-na-wroclaw-university-of-science-and-tehnology/ 20 July 2023
The Faculty of Civil Engineering University Mostar's web page published a text titled "The second training as part of the Erasmus+ CBHE SmartWB project" related to the training in Niš, Serbia, https://gf.unmo.ba/vijesti/posts/2023/june/drugi-trening-u-sklopu-erasmus-cbhe-smartwb-projekta/ 25 June 2023
The Faculty of the Civil Engineering University of Montenegro's web page published a "The second training was held as part of the SmartWB project" news item, https://www.ucg.ac.me/objava/blog/1287/objava/164874-odrzan-drugi-trening-u-sklopu-smartwb-projekta 23 June 2023
The Faculty of Civil Engineering University Mostar's web page published a text titled "Workshop within the Erasmus+ CBHE SmartWB project" related to the workshop in Vienna https://gf.unmo.ba/vijesti/posts/2023/june/radionica-u-sklopu-erasmus-cbhe-smartwb-projekta/ 4 June 2023
The Faculty of the Civil Engineering University of Montenegro's web page published a text titled "A workshop was held in Vienna within the Erasmus+ project SmartWB", https://www.ucg.ac.me/objava/blog/1287/objava/163973-odrzana-radionica-u-becu-u-okviru-erasmus-projekta-smartwb 2 June 2023
The Faculty of the Civil Engineering University of Montenegro's web page published a text titled "The first training was held within the Erasmus+ project SmartWB", related to the training in the Dubrovnik https://www.ucg.ac.me/objava/blog/1287/objava/163166-odrzan-prvi-trening-u-okviru-erasmus-projekta-smartwb 24 May 2023
The Engineering Chamber of Montenegro published an article about the SmartWB project in issue 42 of the Journal of the Engineering Chamber of Montenegro, "POGLED." The text's title is "Project SmartWB: A Strong Incentive for the Sustainable Development of the Western Balkan Countries, Climate Smart Urbanization"http://www.ingkomora.me/cms/public/image/publikacije/4486.pdf 19 May 2023
The Faculty of Civil Engineering University Mostar's web page published a text titled "Training as part of the Erasmus+ CBHE SmartWB project", related to the training in Dubrovnik https://gf.unmo.ba/vijesti/posts/2023/may/trening-u-sklopu-erasmus-cbhe-smartwb-projekta/ 15 May 2023
The Faculty of the Civil Engineering University of Montenegro's web page published a text titled "Presentation of the Project Office at the International Training Week". Out of a total of 15 UoM projects, two coordination projects were presented in more detail: "Western Balkan entrepreneurial university alliances - keeping in touch for lifelong relationships" (AL4LIFE) and
"Curricula innovation in climate-smart urban development based on green and energy efficiency with the non-academic sector (SmartWB)" https://www.ucg.ac.me/objava/blog/616807/objava/160616-predstavljanje-kancelarije-za-projekte-na-medunarodnoj-nedjelji-obuke 23 March 2023
The Faculty of Civil Engineering University Mostar's web page added the SmartWB project among international projects https://gf.unmo.ba/naucno-istazivacki-rad/medunarodni-projekti/ 23 March 2023
The MPLSAR web page published the text "The Smart WB project starts" https://mplsap.com/arranca-el-proyecto-smart-wb/ 10 March 2023
The University Ren Juan Carlos's web page published the text "The Smart WB project starts" https://www.urjc.es/todas-las-noticias-de-actualidad/7889-arranca-el-proyecto-smart-wb 2 March 2023
The Faculty of the Civil Engineering University of Sarajevo's web page added the SmartWB project to his page https://gf.unsa.ba/erasmus-smartwb-project/ 2 March 2023
The Faculty of Civil Engineering University Mostar's web page published a "Kick-off meeting of the SmartWB project" news item https://gf.unmo.ba/vijesti/posts/2023/february/kick-off-sastanak-projekta-smartwb/, https://www.unmo.ba/novosti/posts/2023/march/kick-off-sastanak-projekta-smartwb/ 2 March 2023
The Faculty of the Civil Engineering University of Montenegro's web page published a text titled "Boje jutra TV Vijesti - Improving the quality of teaching in the field of climate-smart urbanisation", related to Marina Rakočević's guest appearance on TV Vijesti's popular program Boje jutra https://www.ucg.ac.me/objava/blog/1287/objava/159802-boje-jutra-tv-vijesti-unapredenje-kvaliteta-nastave-u-oblasti-klimatski-pametne-urbanizacije 2 March 2023
Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering UoM Marina Rakočević's guest appearance on TV Vijesti's popular program Boje jutra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWpfJjWYbjg 2 March 2023
The Faculty of the Civil Engineering University of Montenegro's web page published a text titled "Guest appearance by the dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering on RTV Gradska's" https://www.ucg.ac.me/objava/blog/1287/objava/159757-gostovanje-dekana-gradevinskog-fakulteta-gradska-rtv-podgorica 1 March 2023
Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering UoM Marina Rakočević's guest appearance on RTV Gradska's popular program Lice Podgorice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdUsDntuQ-s&t=1550s 1 March 2023
Presentation of the SmartWB Project: «Curriculum innovation in smart urban development from climate sustainability based on ecological and energy efficiency with the non-academic sector» https://www.campusenergiainteligente.es/actualidad/presentacion-del-proyecto-smartwb-innovacion-curricular-en-el-desarrollo-urbano-inteligente-desde-la-sostenibilidad-climatica-basado-en-la-eficiencia-ecologica-y-energetica-con-el-sector-no-academi/ 28 February 2023
The Montenegrin web portal Cafe del Montenegro announced the start of the SmartWB project in an article published on 27 February 2023. The news headline is "Improvement of Teaching in the Field of Climate-Smart Urbanization, which brought together professors from the region and Europe" https://www.cdm.me/drustvo/unaprjedenje-nastave-u-oblasti-klimatski-pametne-urbanizacije-okupilo-profesore-regiona-i-evrope/ 27 February 2023
The Faculty of Civil Engineering University Mostar's web page published a news item titled "The Erasmus+ project SmartWB has started: Improving teaching in the field of climate-smart urbanisation brought together professors from the region and Europe" https://www.ucg.ac.me/objava/blog/1287/objava/158050-span-class-cyrlatignore-kick-off-meeting-span-erasmus-projekta-span-class-cyrlatignore-smartwb-span 24 February 2023
The NGO OZON's web page published a news item titled "The kick-off meeting of the ERASMUS project SmartWB was held" http://www.ozon.org.me/odrzan-pocetni-sastanak-erasmus-projekta-smartwb/ 26 January 2023
The University Zagreb's web page published a news item titled "Implementation of the Erasmus+ SmartWB project has begun"
https://www.geof.unizg.hr/novosti/zapocela-realizacija-erasmus-smartwb-projekta/ 24 Janyary 2023
The largest and most-read portal in Montenegro, Vijesti, published an article about the SmartWB project titled "Jevrić: The aim of the project is to modernise university courses and improve the competencies and skills of teaching staff" https://www.vijesti.me/vijesti/drustvo/624888/jevric-cilj-projekta-modernizacija-univerzitetskih-kurseva-i-unaprijedjenje-kompetencija-i-vjestina-nastavnog-osoblja 7 October 2022